Friday, November 20, 2009

A baby for Christmas....

this morning troy asked ree what she wanted for christmas, and without even stopping to think, she answered "baby". my first thought was that i was so glad that this year we really be able to give her a baby for christmas. this may never happen again. you always see kids asking their parents for "a baby" for a present, and good thing for us, we really will be able to give her this. then i started thinking more about how once she gets this present, she will never be an only child again. this started me thinking about all of the perfect moments that have happened to us since ree was born. i am so excited to have two kids, but having just one baby has been pretty great too. these are a few of the greatest parts that i can remember....

1. the day michael jackson died, not for him so much, but for us for about 18 minutes when troy came home from work was a really great time. all 3 of us, in our panties, in the bathroom, dancing like crazy to a mj melody. best part was most probably "pyt".

2. right after ree was born, laying in bed with her and troy, thinking that i could not believe the hospital let us take her home. there wasn't even an adult in our house. we had no idea what we were doing. still dont, really.

3. about five weeks ago, ree's first sentence.....i said "ree, do you stink?" and she answered, "no mamma, its daddy". she is so smart.

4. a few months ago, in walmart, she was absolutely horrible. like really, really bad. thank god we dont spank because i would have lost my religion right there in the check out lane. but that night, when she fell asleep and went back to being her perfect angel of a girl. and i just held her and smelled her and breathed her in.

5. sitting on the couch, a few days after she was born, i remember looking at troy and loving him so much. i was so grateful to him for giving her to me, so grateful to him for helping me bring her to us.

6. the other day, she kissed me. not a kiss that i asked for, like every other kiss she gives, but a kiss that she willing gave to me, on the lips, while she held my face with both of her little hands. it was one of the best kisses i have ever had.

7. a few days ago in the car, she was in her car seat, holding her baby, exactly like you should hold a baby, and patted the baby's bottom so gently, just like you are supposed to. i told her that she was going to be a great mommy. i hope that i can be one too.

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